Maintenance and Construction for El Paso Regional ITS Architecture Roles and Responsibilities
Stakeholder Role and Responsibility
City of El Paso Streets and Maintenance Department Manage work zones for all City of El Paso maintenance and construction activities and monitor work zone safety.
Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public.
Perform maintenance and repair on maintenance vehicles owned by the City of El Paso.
Perform maintenance and repair on ITS field equipment owned by the City of El Paso.
Coordinate maintenance resources for incident responses with public safety and other transportation agencies.
Coordinate and support roadway maintenance and construction activities with neighboring county and city agencies and TxDOT.
Perform maintenance and construction activities on city–owned roadways.
County Road and Bridge Coordinate and support roadway maintenance and construction activities with neighboring county and city agencies and TxDOT.
Coordinate maintenance resources for incident responses with public safety and other transportation agencies.
Perform maintenance and repair on roadway infrastructure.
Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public.
Manage roadway maintenance and construction activities.
Municipal Public Works Department Coordinate maintenance resources for incident responses with public safety and other transportation agencies.
Manage roadway maintenance and construction activities.
New Mexico DOT Share maintenance and construction information with other NMDOT districts and TxDOT
Coordinate and support maintenance and construction activities with other county and city maintenance agencies, as well as with other NMDOT Districts
Provide maintenance and construction information to the public and the media
Operate and maintain NMDOT–owned maintenance vehicles and equipment
Performance maintenance and repair on ITS field equipment owned by NMDOT
Coordinate maintenance resources for incident responses with public safety and other transportation agencies
Share maintenance and construction information with traffic, transit and public safety agencies within the region
Operate work zone ITS equipment
Manage work zones for all maintenance and construction activities performed on state–owned roads and monitor work zone safety
Rail Operators Share rail maintenance and construction information with traffic agencies within the region.
Regional Utility Companies Provide maintenance services to utilities, including electricity, water, gas, cable TV and telephone.
TxDOT Operate work zone ITS equipment.
Coordinate and support maintenance and construction activities with other county and city maintenance agencies, as well as with other TxDOT District construction and maintenance sections.
Operate and maintain Bridge Asset Management System.
Operate and maintain District Pavement Management System.
Operate and maintain Highway Conditions Reporting System.
Coordinate maintenance resources for incident responses with public safety and other transportation agencies.
Operate and maintain TxDOT–owned maintenance vehicles and equipment
Perform maintenance and repair on ITS field equipment owned by TxDOT.
Share maintenance and construction information with traffic, transit and public safety agencies within the region
Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public and the media
Manage work zones for all maintenance and construction activities performed on state–owned roads and monitor work zone safety.
Share maintenance and construction information with other TxDOT districts