Congestion Management Documents/Tools

Given the recent ozone non-attainment designation to El Paso-Las Cruces, Texas -New Mexico area, the EPMPO has seen the need to further evaluate projects included in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Part of this increase in scrutiny for new projects is to justify the need for projects that aim to increase the capacity of the corridor, specifically those longer than 1 mile. In addition to the identification of Travel Demand Management and Operational Strategies that will help manage the added capacity. For an initial review the MPO has developed a Project Checklist and Project Questionnaire that helps define the needs and justifications of these type of projects. 

Project Checklist example for IH-10 Frontage Roads.

Multimodal Performance Web Tool- Regional performance is measured based on information from various sources (national, state, local) and reported via a web-based application tool developed for geospatial visualization of performance of the transportation multimodal network. The objectives of the Web Tool are:

  • To track transportation performance over time
  • To support identification of gaps in infrastructure across transportation modes
  • To provide performance-based information for planning and programming decisions and
  • To be a resource for local planning partners and general public

CMP Segment Performance Analysis 2021- A supplement to the 2019 CMP. This document discusses in detail various metrics analyzed for each congested segments and evaluates several potential strategies submitted as part of the development of RMS 2050 MTP.

BRT System Performance Measure &  BRT System Level of Service - These two documents provide a summary analysis of the different metrics, including BRT station's proximity to jobs and on-time performance, to categorize the efficiency of the system.

Congestion Management Process 2019- Latest CMP document. Identifies the congested corridors within the El Paso MPO and describes potential strategies that are aim in the reduction of congestion levels in the region.

Performance Indicators Report 2015- This report conveys the status of congestion in the El Paso MPO and is intended to serve as a supplement for the 2013 Congestion Management Process.

Congestion Management Process 2013- This document is an older version of the Congestion Management Process that was last updated in 2019.