Transportation Improvement Program

In the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the MPO identifies the transportation projects and strategies from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) that it plans to undertake over the next four years. All projects receiving federal funding must be in the TIP. The TIP is the region’s way of allocating its limited transportation resources among the various capital and operating needs of the area, based on a clear set of short-term transportation priorities. Under federal law, the TIP:

  • Covers a minimum four-year period of investment;
  • Is updated at least every four years;
  • Is realistic in terms of available funding and is not just a “wish list” of projects (this concept is known as fiscal constraint)
  • Conforms with the SIP for air quality in non attainment and maintenance areas;
  • Is approved by the MPO and the governor; and
  • Is incorporated directly, without change, into the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The TIP and the STIP must be consistent with each other.

The TIP must be updated every five years in air quality attainment areas or every four years in non attainment or maintenance areas. MPO’s should make special efforts to engage interested parties in the development of the plan. Finally, in cases where a metropolitan area is designated as a non attainment or maintenance area, the plan must conform to the SIP for air quality

EPMPO Project Request Form (PRF)