Commercial Vehicle Operations for El Paso Regional ITS Architecture Roles and Responsibilities
Stakeholder Role and Responsibility
City of El Paso Respond to HAZMAT incidents within the City
City of El Paso Fire Department Respond to HAZMAT incidents within the City
City of El Paso Police Department Respond to HAZMAT incidents within the City
City of El Paso Streets and Maintenance Department Respond to HAZMAT incidents within the City
Commercial Vehicle Operators Operate private trucking companies
Track vehicle locations and log operating hours
Apply and obtain licenses and permits
Operate and maintain a commercial vehicle fleet.
County Emergency Management Agencies Participate in HAZMAT incident management and response
New Mexico DOT Participate in the FMCSA Innovative Technology Deployment (formerly CVISN) Program
New Mexico DPS Perform commercial vehicle safety inspection and credentialing
Enforce commercial vehicle laws and requirements
Other States Exchange safety and security information.
Private Freight Management Companies Manage vehicle fleet and drivers and provide routing and other information to drivers
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Participate in the FMCSA Innovative Technology Deployment (formerly CVISN) Program
Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) Participate in HAZMAT incident management and response
Enforce commercial vehicle laws and requirements
Perform commercial vehicle safety inspection and credentialing
TxDOT Participate in the FMCSA Innovative Technology Deployment (formerly CVISN) Program
Participate in HAZMAT incident management and response
US Bureau of Customs and Border Protection Send load manifest pre–clearance information to Electronic Screening stations.
Perform screening and inspection of commercial vehicles at border crossings.