PM02: Smart Park and Ride System

Need Area Description

This service package provides real–time information on Park and Ride capacity and supports traveler's decision–making on where best to park and make use of transit alternatives. Transit operators are provided arrival information to support efficient pickup and drop offs and drivers switching to transit are offered current transit information.

Need Area Type


Service Package

PM02: Smart Park and Ride System

Includes Needs

Number Need
01 Parking operators need to be able to monitor the number of available spaces in part and ride lots.
02 Parking operators need to be able to provide available space information to travelers requesting that information in order to assist their decision–making on where best to park and make use of transit alternatives.
03 Parking operators need to be able to provide available space information to transit systems operating near to those spaces.
04 Transit operations need to be able to provide transit information to nearby parking operations.
05 Parking operators need to be able to provide available space information to traveler information providers.