Surface Street Management for El Paso Regional ITS Architecture Roles and Responsibilities
Stakeholder Role and Responsibility
City of El Paso Streets and Maintenance Department Share traffic data and information with other regional agencies.
Detect and verify traffic incidents on City of El Paso roadways.
Operate and maintain Computerized Signal System.
Coordinate highway–rail intersection signal adjustments.
Operate and maintain ITS field equipment such as closed loop signal controls, traffic detectors (including Video Imaging Vehicle Detection Systems (VIVDS)), DMS, and video surveillance cameras owned by the City of El Paso.
City of Las Cruces Operate and maintain traffic signal system within the City.
Rail Operators Operate and maintain active railroad crossing devices.
TxDOT Coordinate highway–rail intersection signal adjustments.
Support coordination of regional municipal traffic signal system operations with TxDOT signal system operations.
Operate and maintain municipal traffic signal systems in the region.