TxDOT El Paso District Variable Speed Limit Systems




Represents future variable speed limit (VSL) systems. VSL is a tool used to lower the speed of vehicles traveling at high speed, usually during special circumstances (e.g. school zones, inclement weather conditions, poor pavement conditions, traffic volume and operation speeds during incidents). VSL uses DMS to provide current roadway conditions information updates to travelers. Systems are proposed along the US–67 Corridor.


Stakeholder Role Role Status
TxDOT Owns Future

Physical Objects

ITS Roadway Equipment

Functional Objects

Functional Object Description User Defined
Roadway Variable Speed Limits 'Roadway Variable Speed Limits' includes the field equipment, physical overhead lane signs and associated control electronics that are used to manage and control variable speed limits systems. This equipment monitors traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway. The system can be centrally monitored and controlled by a Traffic Management Center or it can be autonomous, calculating and setting suitable speed limits, usually by lane. This application displays the speed limits and additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers. False

Physical Standards

SDO Document # Title User Defined
ITE ITE ITS Cabinet ITS Standard Specification for Roadside Cabinets False
NEMA NEMA TS 8 Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) False

Interfaces To

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TxDOT El Paso District Traffic Sensors